{ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» } { º Alternate Definition file for PAK 2.50 º } { º PAK is Copyright 1988-90 by NoGate Consulting º } { ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ } Add = Add + Name_Sort, "Add files to archive" Move = Add + Move + Name_Sort, "Move files to archive" Upd = Add + Replace_Older + Name_Sort, "Update archive files" Ext = Extract + Archive_Remark, "Extract files from archive" Del = Delete + Always_Replace, "Delete files" List = List + Archive_Remark, "List files" View = View, "Display files" Test = Test, "Test files" Convert = Convert, "Convert files" Revise = Revise + Archive_Remark + Remark, "Revise remarks" Title = Revise + Archive_Remark, "Revise archive title" /Crunch = Crunch, "use Crunching compression" /Squash = Squash, "use Squashing compression" /Crush = Crush, "use Crushing compression" /Distill = Distill, "Use Distilling" /Zip = IMPLODE, "Create Zip format archive" /Shrink = SHRINK, "Use Shrinking" /Bugs = EARLY_ZIP, "Adjust for Unzip 1.01 errors" /Move = Move, "Move files" /Dup = Duplicate, "Duplicate files only" /Pack = Pack_Archives, "Pack archives" /Pass = Password, "Garble with password" /Rem = Archive_Remark + Remark, "with Remarks" /Title = Archive_Remark, "with archive title" /EXE = SELF_EXTRACT, "Create Self-extracting file" /Security = TEST_ENVELOPE, "Security envelope verify" /Path = Use_Path, "Use Path" /Include = INCLUDE_DIRS, "Include subdirectories" /SName = Name_Sort, "Sort by Name" /STime = Time_Sort, "Sort by time" /SSize = Size_Sort, "Sort by Size" /SExt = Ext_Sort, "Sort by extension" /SNone = No_Sort, "no sort" /Always = Always_Replace, "Write over Always" /Prompt = Prompt_Replace, "Prompt Write over" /Older = Replace_Older, "Write over Older" /Never = Never_Replace, "Never Write over" /Last = Last_Date, "Use last date in archive" /Temp = Temp_Path, "set Temporary path" /Hex = HEX, "Print in hex format" /More = Pause, "Pause after each page" /Rename = Rename, "Rename archive to .PAK" $tpath = "C:" $tdrives = "A: B:"